To commence the launch of the CLEANHYPRO website, we have had a pleasant talk with CLEANHYPRO coordinator – Bart Goes from TECNALIA.
Below you can read what, in his opinion, makes CLEANHYPRO a groundbreaking project and what key message would he like to convey to stakeholders who are following the developments of CLEANHYPRO.
Groundbreaking nature of the CLEANHYPRO project
CLEANHYPRO is not an ordinary innovation project. It is an Open Innovation Testbed (OITB) that will allow any company interested in electrolyser development for clean hydrogen production solve its challenges by making use of one or more of the Pilot Lines upgraded during the project. These projects, made in collaboration with interested companies, are called Democases.
To do so, CLEANHYPRO gathers some of the most recognised experts in Europe on the electrolysis field and acknowledged facilitators of technology transfer, corporate finance, funding, and coaching, making available (i) the most promising and breakthrough manufacturing pilots and (ii) advanced characterization techniques and modelling together with (iii) non-technical services through this Test Bed.
In a first phase, the Pilot Lines will be upgraded and upscaled, allowing the CLEANHYPRO to offer the technical services through the Democases in a later phase. Before making services available, they will be internally tested through 4 Showcases, while creating at the same time a Single Entry Point (SEP), where companies can submit their requests and obtain the best proposal for the Democase from the CLEANHYPRO consortium.
It is also important to know that when the CLEANHYPRO project has concluded, through the SEP the technical and non-technical services will be continued to be provided to companies working in the electrolyser development for clean hydrogen production. Thereby a new service, in the field of electrolysers will be offered to industry, allowing them to accelerate their developments not only during the CLEANHYPRO project, but also beyond the project.
Message to CLEANHYPRO followers
I would like to draw your attention to the unique set-up of the SEP (Single Entry Point), where partners can obtain an optimal solution offered by a consortium of 28 partners, that frequently requires technical services from more than one pilot line or at least from more than one partner. Some partners provide pilot lines, others valuable components or raw materials, while, if necessary, non-technical services can be obtained such as coaching in technology transfer, corporate finance and funding. We work in the main 4 technologies of electrolysis, being AEL, PEM, AEM and SOEC. The technical services will go from primary concept to final qualification of the product, including materials selection and manufacturing processes, product and process design, modelling and simulation, testing and characterization.
Through the SEP we’ll make a major effort to make it easy for industry to apply for a Democase, especially for the SME’s, in order respond to their concerns with a minimum investment cost and a reduction of risks associated with technology transfer.
At the same time, our services will be very complete and easily accessible once the open calls for the Democases are launched. Key milestones will be the upgrading and upscaling of each of the Pilot Lines, the creation of the SEP and the execution the Showcases, which will be our “general rehearse” before launching the Democases.
All of you can follow up on our developments through our website, social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube) and by subscribing to our newsletter. For Industry, the “open calls”, for which we would like to encourage you to apply, will be of special interest.